WeftMaster® SW
Weft stop motion
The WeftMaster® SW sensor detects any yarn breaks or yarn stoppages - even when the thread being used is only 7μm thick. It constantly monitors the movement of the weft yarn up to the fabric selvedge and continuously detecting whether the thread is moving or missing.

Instant detection of a weft fault
- The SW sensor prevents faults from entering into the fabric. This reduces fabric waste and increases production efficiency.
- During production, the weft yarn moves over the sensing head with a minimum of additional tension. This is a unique performance based on many years of know-how.
- Regardless of the yarn type, the detection remains effective even with threads as thin as 7μm (which is ten times thinner than a human hair!).
Higher fabric quality and less fabric waste
- Monitoring of the weft insertion is performed on the entire fabric width up to the fabric selvedge.
- An immediate machine stop in case of a missing weft thread guarantees flawless product quality. High reliability of the detection avoids false machinestops.

For projectile weaving machines
WeftMaster SFW-L Mini

For rapier weaving machines
WeftMaster SW 10G
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